27.05.2013 The Galleries of the participant's projects

Look through the participant's project-works of the photo competition "The World hrough your eyes", the mixed media project and the drawing competitions. The galleries of these works are worth seeing!

16.05.2013 Internet-voting

Take part in Internet-voting for the participant the Photo-competition "The World Though Your Eyes", for the participants  of the drawing and mixed media competitions. Each user of Internet can vote!

13.05.2013 Children Enlighten the World

Get acquainted with children and teenagers' actions "Children Enlighten the World", which were held by the participants of the Internet-project "The Dialog of Cultures"  in their schools.

12.05.2013 The Garland of Recipes

The Gallery of participant's projects of the mixed media competition (nomination "The Garland of Recipes") is published. Choose a dish and acquaint your friends with different nations' cuisine.

07.05.2013 The Tree of Friendship

The participants of the Project - the creators of the Living Encyclopedia "The Tree of Friendship" - plant trees in their school yard or near their houses. The map of the planted trees is published

26.04.2013 The forum of the project

The participants of the Internet-project "The Dialog of cultures" may communicate in the Project's forum. Here you can get acquainted with each other, make friends, find common interests, learn more about other countries and their culture. 

25.04.2013 Welcome to participate!

The students of 7 - 18 age are welcomed to participate in the international Internet-project "The Dialog off Cultures". Create interesting projects and take part in actions!

Photo of the day

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Ôîòîãðàôèÿ Êîñîðîòîâà Íàäåæäà, Éîøêàð-Îëà

The photo was sent by: Êîñîðîòîâà Íàäåæäà, Éîøêàð-Îëà

Photo competition
"The world through your eyes"

  • "Tradition keeper"
  • "Grandma's truck"
  • "National holiday"

Drawing competition

The participants created illustrations to national fairy-tales about piece, friendship, kindness and mutual understanding. Also they draw a traditional national house of their place.

Mixed media projects competition

  • "Garland of recipes" - a competition of masterclasses, which are about cooking national dishes.
  • "Music - nation's soul" - a competition for the best singing of a national song.
  • "The world on a palm" - a competition for the most interesting virtual tour about some unusual places of participants' motherlands.

Children and teenager’s actions
"Children enlighten the World"

Teams of schoolchildren and educators thought out and then held some arrangements for children, teens, parents and other people. These arrangements (actions and competitions) were united by a theme of a tolerant attitude to cultures and traditions of different nations, nationalities and countries.

Living Encyclopedia
"Tree of Friendship"

The participants of the project have become the creators of the live encyclopedia "Tree of friendship". Schoolchildren  from Russia, Belorussia, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Germany and Azerbaijan have planted more than 190 trees of friendship!

"Web-Ring of Friendship"

Educational institutions of different Russia's regions, of neighboring and far-abroad countries have joined the Web-ring.